Mission Field

My first mission trip was in 7th grade with my church youth group to San Antonio, Texas. We help with constructive needs of people who lived there. The following year, I returned and helped lead Vacation Bible School in one of the San Antonio apartment complexes. It was there that I got my first taste of what spiritual warfare looks like, as well as how well the Lord can work despite such spiritual forces coming against us.

Throughout high school, I traveled to Mexico with my high school youth group every summer, helping with Vacation Bible School there as well, until trips to Mexico became too dangerous to take a group of high school students to.

But I was hooked. I had seen the Lord work, and my passion to see the nations come to Him increased more and more.

I have since done mission work in New Orleans, LA; Galveston, TX; Colombia, Malawi, Tanzania, and India. I have been surrounded by para-militia and guerrilla groups. I have been spared to witness a gunshot homicide due to tropical torrential rains. I have led biblical lessons for people who knew no English. I have struggled with less-than-committed translators. I have seen spiritual growth in translators that I have worked with. I have been yelled at and cursed at during door-to-door evangelism. I have seen people fully come to know Christ, even when it would mean that their future held the loss of all their material goods and family relations. I have seen demon-possession. I have experienced the presence of the Holy Spirit. I have been drained, mentally, emotionally, and physically. And I have experienced the greatest joy in life, in Jesus, and in His work that I imagine possible.

My life is for the Lord's work. Whether that be in my own hometown, in another city, in other states, or to the ends of the earth. The ups and downs of ministry is what I live for, to the utmost glorification of God.

I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?"
And I said, " Here am I. Send me!" 
- Isaiah 6:8

"My food," said Jesus, "is to do the will of Him who sent me and to finish His Work." 
- John 4:34

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